

常德股票配资 木子花开幼儿园研学之旅 | 小手揉出大世界,味蕾探索自然味

发布日期:2025-03-06 21:51    点击次数:149

常德股票配资 木子花开幼儿园研学之旅 | 小手揉出大世界,味蕾探索自然味





山谷恰恰 | 窑烤饼干





ShanGuqiaqia | kiln baked cookies: small hand knead out of the world, taste buds to explore natural flavor。


Kiln baked cookies


On a sunny Wednesday, we came to ShanGuqiaqia to experience a bakery day. The children of D1 class, with curiosity and expectation, started a unique journey of kiln baked cookies. Under the guidance of Reggio's educational concept, the children felt the temperature of food with their hands and explored the gifts of nature with their taste buds, thus spending a Wednesday full of fun and meaning!



Little hands knead the big world: experience the fun of kiln baking cookies

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Today, the sun is shining and the breeze is blowing, and the children come to here early. Under the leadership of the teacher, the children followed the foreign teacher and the baker to know the various ingredients for making cookies, and understand the history and production of kiln baked cookies. Following the teacher's teaching , children were eager to try and couldn't wait to try it by hand.



- Alex(认真地)老师我的面团好软啊,像棉花糖一样!”


- 烘焙老师(笑着解释):“揉面团是为了让饼干更有弹性,这样烤出来的饼干才会更香更好吃哦!”

Finally, it is the time for kids to show their talents! They rolled up their sleeves, washed their hands, and rubbed the dough carefully, feeling the delicate changes of the flour at their fingertips.

Yoyo: Teacher, do you see if my dough looks like a little rabbit?

Alex (seriously) teacher, my dough is so soft, like cotton candy!”

Ian (Curiously): Teacher, why does the dough have to knead for so long? Will it be tired?

The baking teacher (explained with a smile): " Knebbing the dough is to make the cookies more elastic, so that the cookies will be more fragrant and more delicious!”


Kids use their imagination, some kneading the dough into cute little animals, and others creating a unique cookie shape. Looking at their own works, kids faces were filled with pride and a happy smile.




Magic in a kiln fire:

to witness the birth of biscuits.

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- Winnie(指着窑炉):“老师,面包会不会被烤焦呀?” - Pokka(自信地):“不会的!我妈妈说过,火候掌握好,饼干就会特别香!”

- Suyi(兴奋地):老师 “我闻到香味了!我的饼干一定是最好吃的!”

When cookies of different shapes were sent into the kiln, the children held their breath, expecting a miracle. The kiln fire is burning, the aroma of the cookies gradually diffuse , kids could not help but swallow .

Winnie (Pointing to the kiln): " Teacher, will the cookies be scorched?”

Pokka (confidently): " No! My mother said, if the heat is good, the cookies will be particularly fragrant!”

Suyi (excitedly): Teacher, " I smell the fragrance! My cookies must be the best one!”


- Keely(咬了一口):“哇,好香啊!比我妈妈买的饼干还要好吃!”

- Candy(骄傲地):“这是我做的饼干,我要带回家给爸爸妈妈哥哥一起尝尝!”

Finally, the cookies are fresh out! Pink skin, soft inside, kids can't wait to taste their own labor, faces with a satisfied smile.

Keely ( bite): " Wow, so sweet! It's better than the cookies my mom bought!”

Candy (proudly): " This is my biscuit, I want to take home for mom、 dad and brother to try!”


Exploration and discovery

under the Reggio concept.

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This activity adheres to the educational concept of Reggio, takes kids as the center, respects children's interest and curiosity, and encourages them to actively explore, think positively and express boldly. In the process of making cookies, kids not only exercise the practical ability, also learn the team cooperation, and, more importantly, they feel the charm of traditional technology to make food, and it is not easy, because involves wood chopping wood, feel the hard-won food, understand the cherish food.

- keely(认真地):“老师,面粉是从哪里来的呀?”

- 烘焙老师(引导):“面粉是由小麦磨成的,小麦是农民伯伯辛辛苦苦种出来的哦。小朋友来的路途中应该也有见到了小麦”

- Summer恍然大悟):“原来面粉这么珍贵,我们以后一定不能浪费粮食!”

Keely (seriously): " Teacher, where does the flour come from?

Baking teacher (guide): " flour is made of wheat grinding, wheat is the farmer plants . Kids should also have seen the wheat on their way here."

Summer ( realize): " The original flour is so precious, we must not waste food !”


The perfect blend of nature and delicious food

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- Kuromi(兴奋地):老师 “我听到小河的声音了,它是不是在和我们说话呀!”

- Zoe(好奇地):老师 “为什么这里的空气闻起来特别香呢?”

- Oli:“因为这里有好多自然元素呀!



In addition to making cookies, the children also explored the natural environment of the valley under the guidance of the teacher. They observed all kinds of plants, listened to the birds sing and felt the beauty of nature.

Kuromi (Excited): teacher " I heard the sound of the river, it is talking to us!”

Zoe (Curious): Teacher, " Why does the air here smell good?”

Oli: " Because there are a lot of natural elements here!

Amy: There are more flowers and trees here. They make the air fresh.”

In a relaxed and happy atmosphere, Kids not only increased their knowledge, but also gained happiness.




The activity ends, Kids will not stop exploring nature and experiencing life. We believe that this activity will plant a seed in the hearts of the children, love of nature, love of life常德股票配资, more independent, have more tenacious character and soft feelings of the beautiful heart, with them to thrive!


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